However, I also have another identity if you will. Who I am in Christ. Ephesians 1:3-14 is a beautiful section of a very rich book of the Bible. In this portion the apostle Paul begins to praise God the Father for all of the Spiritual blessings that He has so graciously poured out on His people. This passage of scripture introduces the believer to their new identity in Christ. That identity is something that differenciates a believer from a non-believer. Such things as: (1) Being chosen by God (2) Being adopted as a son (3) Being redeemed from a life of sin and death (4) Being forgiven of all sin; past, present and future (5) Having the purposes of God revealed to us (6) Being sealed and secured by the Holy Spirit (7) Being heirs to the Kingdom of God. All of these things are what has been given to the one who has repented of sin and placed their faith in Jesus Christ.
This is an amazing concept. Mainly because none of these things did we in any way deserve. Elsewhere in Ephesians, Paul tells the believers at the church in Ephesus that they were dead at one point in sin and transgression. The same applied to us. God in His incomprehensible love, chose to give us a new identity. Whereas before we were dead, now we are alive. We were enemies, now we are heirs. We have been given an undeserved gift. A gift that we, even on our best day, could not have possibly deserved. Why? "So that we who were the first to hope in Christ might be to the praise of His glory." (Eph. 1:12) God redeemed undeserving people in order to show His goodness, and to receive unending praise and glory.
In conclusion, we have been given a new identity as believers in Christ. We have been given an undeserved and unearned gift. I know from my own experience when a gift has been given to me that I did not deserve a huge wave of humilty swept over me. A deep sense of gratitude consumed me. When I read this passage of scripture and realize what God has given me I am humbled. I think of all the reasons He has to withhold mercy and give me what I deserve. My encouragement to you as you live you life daily, is to spend some time each day reflecting on what God has done for you. This reflection will put things in perspective. Paul writes elsewhere, "you are not your own, you were bought at a price..." (1 Cor. 6:19b-20a). Embrace your identity in Christ. Show your gratitude to God by serving others.
For Christ and His Kingdom,
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