"What is your name?" We meet new people everyday and the very first thing we learn about them, usually, is their name. There is a lot in a name. Who you are, where you may be from, who you are related to, etc. Some people don't like their name. They think they are boring, unimaginative, and ugly. There was a time when a name was more than a way to get your attention. Names used to be a reflection of a child's personality. Such was the case with Jacob.
In this biblical story we encounter Jacob wrestling with a man, who many believe to be the Lord Himself. This takes place on the eve of his reunion with his brother Esau. This was a huge stressor for Jacob, because 20 years prior he had tricked their father, Isaac, into blessing him instead of his older brother, Esau. From that point, Esau had vowed to kill Jacob. So Jacob ran. Now he is about to be face to face with a brother whom he had betrayed and cheated, and he believed his days were numbered.
Jacob's name as you may know means, deception. He was a deceiver, he tricked his brother out of his birthright, tricked his father for a blessing, and tricked his father-in-law by manipulating the breeding of his flocks. (another story for another time) Every relationship in Jacob's life was marred by deception. So when God asks Jacob, "What is your name?" Jacob's answer is important for us to examine. Why? To answer that lets look in Gen. 27.18-19:
So he went in to his father and said, "My father." And he said, "Here I am. Who are you, my son?" Jacob said to his father, "I am Esau your firstborn. I have done as you told me; now sit up and eat of my game, that your soul may bless me."
Did you see Jacob's answer? He lied, he would not admit who he was, a deceiver. Now asked directly by God, "What is your name?" Jacob finally after deceiving everyone he came into contact with, at the breaking point where any man finds himself before God he admits his identity. "Deceiver!"
"Who are you?" Have you been lying about your identity? Have you been pretending to others? You may have them fooled; you're not fooling God. He knows who you are at your very core. You may say you love Him and demonstrate that in ways others can see. Maybe you serve in your church in some way, feed the poor, love neglected children, or give money to charity. Those things are amazing and if you are doing those things keep doing them, please, but if you are only doing those things for your gain and praise from men your deceiving them and yourself. We need to be honest before God and admit we are weak, poor, unclothed sinners in need of blessing. When we do look at what happens:
"What is your name?" And he said, "Jacob." Then he said, "Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with men, and have prevailed."
When we seek the Lord's blessing instead of the praise of man, He changes us and blesses us richly beyond what we can even ask or imagine, or deserve. Jacob was a bum, plain and simple. So am I. So are you. But there is a blessing just an admission away. Skip the wrestling match and tap out, then tap in to the blessing of an honest and satisfying relationship with the undisputed champion of Heaven.
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