Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Tonight will be the start of many long nights.  Tonight, I'm laying on a faux leather sofa five feet away from my soon to be non-pregnant wife as the two of us are being serenaded by the muffled sounds of our daughter Madelyn's rapid heartbeat.  Tonight the anticipation has reached its apex, for months we have looked forward to so many things, like finding out her gender, picking out her name, buying her crib, painting her room.  Now in a few short hours she will be here, and as best as Laura and I know how, we have prepared ourselves to be loving, responsible, Godly parents.  This whole scenario has reminded me of a very dear chapter in the book of Romans. 

In chapter 8, Paul has been talking about life in the Spirit, in verse 18 Paul begins to talk about our future glory at the coming of Christ and compares (actually he notices that there is really no comparison at all) to the present sufferings of our lives.  He likens this to childbirth. 

Laura and I have talked a great deal about how painful this birth will be for her and possibly for me ;).  But one way I have tried to comfort her and relax her is by talking about Madelyn.  What she will look like, how I hope that she has Laura's eyes, or her hair, or smile.  How we can't wait to hold her, to kiss her, to love her and care for her.  Unfortunately before we can do any of those things there is pain.  However the pain Laura thinks will last forever will be only momentary and light compared to the joy she and I will experience when we hear Maddie's first cry.

This is what Paul is trying to convey.  In fact he says just that in 2 Cor. 4.17, "For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison"  In comparison the suffering and affliction we experience in this life is momentary, but in the moment it seems more than we can stand.  But I would encourage you to look beyond this life, look beyond this world, look beyond yourself...and see the weight of glory that Christ will deliver to us.  This glory that we will share with Him for eternity.  Make Christ your treasure, and watch your pain turn to pleasure. 


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