Friday, October 8, 2010


As some of you know, we have been studying about the life and person of Jesus, as told to us by the apostle John. We have learned that Jesus came to the world as God's Son or King. Not only did He come to "explain" God to us, (John 1:18), He declared that He was in fact God. Jesus' claims were very controversial and stirred up alot of excitement as well as resentment. As I have read through John, in preparation for each week, I notice that Jesus is a very self-sufficient guy. He has no need of man or of man's approval. For instance, John 2:24 says that He didn't trust man, because He knew what was in the heart of man (evil). In John 5:41 there is this statement, "I do not receive glory from man." He sought no praise from man, only that of His Father.

As I have read I have also noticed one other interesting thing. Jesus has asked men to participate in what He was doing. He calls 12 men to FOLLOW Him. So here are these uneducated, simple tradesmen, following a guy around who claims to be God. What an staggering 3 years these guys spent with Jesus. As I read the things that Jesus says, I can only think that there would be similar reactions in our churches today that the Jews had in their day. Things like, "Whoever is of God, hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God." John 8:47. Who says that to people and expects a good response? Not Jesus. Why? Because Jesus is seeking a certain kind of follower. Some one who will completely surrender their opinions, their dreams, their goals, their careers, their finances, their health and well being, and ultimately their life. This is why thousands quit following Him in the 6th chapter of John. This is why milllions reject Him today. G.K. Chesterton a writer and philosopher at the turn of the 20th century observed, "The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting (or unfulfilling); it has been found difficult and left untried." FOLLOWship is Costly.

The sad thing is this, we believe that Jesus is the only way, we trust in Jesus, and believe that He is God, yet we still often think or say, "Jesus didn't REALLY say that, did He?" Do we really believe that Jesus is who He says He is? Do we really believe that Jesus meant the things He said? How about this, if He didn't mean them then He was a liar. Now I don't say that light heartedly. I want you and I to seriously consider this. Did Jesus really mean what He said? These are important questions because of the implications that exist for us. If Jesus really meant the things He said, then we have horribly missed the mark. We are so concerned with comfort and ease that following Jesus becomes an easy walk in the park. We care more about the temperature of the worship center than we do about keeping a homeless man warm in the winter. We care more about our iPods and laptops. Than we do about feeding someone who is hungry. And above all we care more about our self esteem and how we are perceived by others more than we do about faithfully and boldly speaking to lost people about the Good News of the Kingdom. What cost Jesus His life, cannot be cheap for us.

Jesus did not hang on that cross so that you could be comfortable. He didn't hang on that cross so that you could continue in your sin and live your life without any regard for Him. He died on that cross because you were God's enemy, and God's wrath was intended for you, but Jesus took the hit. He sacrified, He gave all, He suffered, He obeyed God, He sought the glory that comes from God more than the glory that comes from man. And He wants you to follow Him. Will you?

I am.

Join me.

Lay your life down.

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